KS Perry Publishing

We have several print and digital publications representing the West Kootenay region.

Serving the West Kootenays

The West Kootenay is in the mountainous southeastern region of British Columbia, Canada, in the Kootenay Ranges of the Southern Rockies. The small towns and villages in the valley bottoms, by the shores of the lakes and alongside the rivers that flow through the valleys are dominated by three major mountain ranges, the Purcells, the Selkirks and the Monashees, and important sub-ranges, like the Valhallas. 


Community Shopping News – Bi-Weekly

Go & Do (Stay & Play)

the Regional West Kootenay Visitor Magazine – Bi-Annually

Visit Kaslo & Area Guide

– Annually


Kootenay Vacation Map

– Annually


BC Buzz

– Bi-Annually


Discover Sixty-Five

– Monthly


Central Kootenay Farm & Food Directory

– Annually

Visit Us

#209 312 Fourth St,
Kemball Memorial Centre
Kaslo​ BC, Canada
V0G 1M0

Call Us

Local: 250-353-2602
Toll free: 1-800-663-4619

We also build affordable websites of all sizes

Having a website for your business today, is like having had a yellow pages ad yesterday. As of 2022, 96.5% of Canadians were online. Can they find you?

Web Development

We Can Build It

Save yourself weeks. Let us build you a professional looking site, fast, efficiently and designed to your specifications and satisfaction. Take advantage of our professional web team and award-winning designers. Put us to work for you.

Did you misplace your webmaster?

Sadly, this is more common then you think. We can take over the management of your website for you and make any changes you would like. Don’t worry we’ve been here for 40 years, we aren’t going anywhere!

Our Vision

Dependable Support

Have an issue that you can’t fix? Don’t get frustrated – whip us off an email or give us a call! We’ll help get it solved asap. Most glitches only take some experience and a few minutes to solve. Depending on your service package, there may be a charge…and it will be more than reasonable. If it looks like a big issue, we’ll discuss it with you first. We guarantee excellent service and working websites.

Include SEO and Quarterly Reviews

We include Search Engine Optimization (SEO) in the development of your site so you don’t have to pay another professional to do this for you. We will load a Stat Plugin for access to the information on how your website is being used. Your searchability will be regularly monitored and we’ll converse quarterly with you on all our findings.

Mobile Responsive

Your customers can view and use your site on the go with their smart phones or tablets – a “must” in today’s world!


KS Perry Publishing

For Advertising in any of our publications or for general inquiries use the form here to contact us, or you can email, directly.